Tuesday 25 September 2012

Ten links

1. http://www.notsalmon.com/archive/2007_06_03_archive.html

In this article the writer has given different ways to happiness such as spending time with family or doing volunteer work because happiness does not come from making money.

2. http://blogs.hbr.org/taylor/2011/05/money_and_the_meaning_of_life.html
This article provides examples of people that had enough money but were blinded by it which made them full of greed and eventually lose what they already had. It warns us to deal with money carefully and with a clear mind, with back up evidence from Jacob Needleman’s book Money and the Meaning of Life.

3.  http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Makes-Someone-a-Success-in-Life&id=3592280
According to this article people must fulfil various aspects of life in order to be successful overall. The article also describes the effects money has on achieving this.

4.  http://ezinearticles.com/?Success-Means-More-Than-Just-Having-Money&id=1201711
This is another article which defines success in life is to achieve satisfaction in each area of a person’s life. Having lots of money is financial success but this is only a part of the overall success in life. The writer also explains that success is defined differently for each individual.

5.  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/8517946.stm
This article is written based on a study done on people who have won the lottery. The results show that for most winners it does not bring them happiness because with the sudden huge amount of money they cannot think straight therefore they make wrong decisions in life. They also feel unhappy due to the effects that money has on their relationships.

6.  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-17690085

This article is about a child who lives in the streets of Pakistan. Although he lives on the street making only a little bit of money he is still happy with life.

7.  http://www.mywaystosuccess.com/a-successful-life-is-not-defined-money
Success should be determined by how you feel, happy or unhappy, not by how much money you make. It should be measure by the amount of gaols you have achieved, quality of friends and family and how good you feel about yourself. Money is good to have because it relieves you from the stress of worrying about financial issues but money alone will not give you happiness or success in life.

8.  http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2003/mar/07/society.politicalcolumnists?INTCMP=SRCH

9.  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-14341703

10.  http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jun/24/meaning-of-success-happiness?INTCMP=SRCH

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