Wednesday 26 September 2012

Money doesn’t define success

The success of a person’s life should not be measured by how much money they have. There are other factors such as relationships, health and happiness.
Since people are social beings we need to interact with others. We need the love and support from our family and friends to share our joy with or to lean on during hard times in life. Would it be a meaningful life if somebody spent all their time making money instead of enjoying time with loved ones? Or if a person had nobody there to love them but only had lots of money could this person be seen as a successful person?
To enjoy life at its fullest we must also be healthy. Izaak Walton said health is “a blessing that money cannot buy” therefore it is more important than money. No one would be considered successful in life if they made lots of money but died before having the chance to spend it.
Success should also be determined by our emotions. If a person is wealthy but does not feel satisfied with their life they are not successful. If a person is unhappy about their life it doesn’t matter how much money they have, they haven’t succeeded. It is not up to others to judge a person’s life with the amount of money they have but up to each individual to determine their own success in life with how they feel about it.

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