Wednesday 26 September 2012

Does money bring happiness?

If money determined success, then the more you have means the happier you are with life. I disagree with this idea and have many examples to back up my opinion.
Firstly, let’s look at lottery winners. Many people dream to win the lottery and if they win all their problems will be gone and they can live happily ever after but winning the lottery is not always so positive. Surveys show that people are mostly satisfied with this sudden wealth but it comes with negative issues as well. When people first receive the money, they are overwhelmed and cannot think straight therefore make mistakes in their decisions. Apart from personal problem dealing with the money, many winners are faced to deal with falling out with family members or friends who are jealous and are after their money. An extreme example is Abraham Shakespeare, he was murdered after winning the lottery. These people have been awarded great sums of money they had previously not had but money can bring unhappiness to those who are already rich. Raj Rajaratnam was convicted for insider trading. Although he had enough money to live on, his greed took over and he ended up committing crimes to make more money.
Money exists for us to consume but when someone is blinded by it they are no longer in control and money no longer brings happiness, it brings misfortune.


  1. Yeah, I agree it. Reading your blog, I cannot help but asking myself "Can money make you happy?". An entire quantitative field of study, happiness economics, has grown up around that question. In reading the literature, I came to one inescapable conclusion: Happiness economics makes some academics happy because they can publish conflicting papers that help them earn tenure
    Simple, right?
    But the real relationship between income and happiness is more nuanced, and measuring people’s true feelings is tricky. For example, when study subjects are asked how happy they think people at different income levels are likely to be, because people they generally underestimate the happiness of the poor. And because much of the research considers just two variables, with income on one axis and happiness on the other, the other factors that make us happy, such as personal relationships and health, are left out.

  2. i agree what you said. when you won the lottery you will face lot of problems. For the example in Asia, all the Asian win the lottery, they will keep low profile for it. If you showed off, you probably get kill or people asking for borrowing money from you.
    for me i think if you win lottery, you keep low profile, you probably will happiness. In reality i think if you are rich that's mean your health will be really bad, but this one is for Asia only.
