Wednesday 26 September 2012

Different people, different standards

Every individual has a different standard of achievement to consider themselves as successful.
We often look at one another to measure how successful we are in our own lives. But success is different for each individual person. For one person, becoming a billionaire may be their goal while for others being able to provide food and shelter may be their goal.
People set different goal for themselves, so just because someone has less money than you it doesn’t mean they are less successful; they may have already achieved their goal. Since there is no universal set standard amount a person must make to be successful, money cannot define success. The amount can differ for each individual but for some money may not even be a part of their standards they regard as success. Each person will have a different approach to measure success.
I personally do not measure success by having the latest model phone, the size of the house I live in or the amount of money in my bank but measure by the number of people that I helped and the happiness I feel from making others smile. It is achieving the goals I set everyday and realizing that everything was achieved successfully before the day ends.

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