Saturday 22 September 2012


Success in life means money?

A successful life is when you have achieved what you wanted and are able to live the way you want. Money is important in life but having money doesn't always mean being successful. Those people who have lots of money but are not able to live the way they want are not successful. Life is not about working day and night and earning money. If you don't have time for your family, for your friends, for yourself, and for life, what is the meaning of having money? There is much more to life than being rich.


  1. Na Ri, I agree on your point that money can not measure the level of success in peoples’ life. For people who believe that the amount of money they have is a sign of success, then the only thing they think in their life is ‘MONEY’. Some of the people who are not rich, but they use what they have to help others, for example, to help poor children to go to school. Every time they help others their money is getting less, but does it mean they are not success? Success means more than just having money. Money might be important, but it is only a part of our life, which we cannot consider it as success. I think success means to have good relationship with other, spend time with friends, family and enjoy our life, all of those things will worth more than the money.
    Alexander McQueen who was a famous fashion designer committed suicide in London, the day after his mother passed away. Does Alexander McQueen had lots of money? Yes, but he was not success in term of happy life. I think he must had a lots of pressure in his life and he must loved his mother a lot, because he committed his suicide after his mother passed away. So for Alexander McQueen, his mother means success in his life.
    If money means success, when you are seriously ill in bed, and have no friend, wanting to spend ten million to employ someone to make a bowl of porridge for you, but no one want to have this job, then are you still success?
    There are lots of points that you can talk about on your choice of topic ‘success in life means money?’ You can find lots of cases just like Alexander McQueen to support your reasons on why success in life does not mean the amount of money people have.

  2. I like your topic. I agree very strongly and your points are solid. However, you aren’t breaking much new ground. People who agree with you will already have thought of all the things that you have said and the points are not innovative enough to change opinions of greedy philistines.
    Your argument feels as though it expects that we believe money does equal happiness and is trying to tell us why we are wrong. However, if we agree with your point of view from the get go, all of that reasoning just becomes filler.
    I had a friend who looked into lottery winners, you are right: more often than not it brings misery. Amazing.
    A good topic, and something that society as a whole needs to adopt!

  3. seriously, call someone unsuccessful when he roams around in a rolls- Royce, wearing gucci..

  4. seriously, call someone unsuccessful when he roams around in a rolls- Royce, wearing gucci..

  5. seriously, call someone unsuccessful when he roams around in a rolls- Royce, wearing gucci..

  6. Wow super this is better than the other one

  7. Wow super this is better than the other one

  8. Wow super this is better than the other one
